Saturday, February 4, 2012

It’s about our culture, heritage and roots

新年快乐! Before the 15th day of the Chinese New Year approaches, let me wish you all 心想事成, 事事顺心! If you do not know what those words mean, time to brush up on your Chinese! Hahah!

I read a tweet that said that CNY isn’t about buying new clothes, munching on goodies or even exchanging ang paos! It’s about celebrating our culture, our heritage and our roots! So true! But of course, part of our CNY culture includes those aforementioned customs that we practice year after year! :) And I think, one of the best customs of the CNY is gathering with family and loved ones! Thinking back on the CNY week filled with home visitations at our dearest family and frens’ homes, my heart is filled with so much gratitude for dear ones I have in my life! Although the time spent together may be short, but the sense of belonging and the feeling of family togetherness warms my heart! :)

Having 面线together! As my mother-in-law says, having this traditional dish (which I love so much, my bowl is always wiped clean!) is a wish for us all to 长命百岁!


Yet another bowl at my granny’s! Yum yum yum!!!

Exchanging kum and 新年贺词are also important customs to the Chinese! This year, I decided to make a point to really memorise some auspicious 贺词to greet my elders and they were really happy! If you think about it, saying such 吉祥话is having positive affirmation and confessing the best for others! :)

Steamboat and yu sheng are also must-haves during CNY! Makes all of us come together! 团团圆圆!

It’s a wonder I din put on much weight over the New Year! :)

Other than these usual customs, my family shares some special customs that must be practiced on 初一! Like having my Auntie’s delicious curry chicken and chap chye!

And after years of “leaving out” my Auntie, cousin & family from our 初一late night movie, we got tickets for all of them and it was a blast watching “We Not Naughty” together! This must be a new annual affair!!!

Till my next post, 我祝大家身体健康, 龙马精神! :)

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