Monday, September 12, 2011


While the rest of Singapore was queuing outside H&M on its grand opening day, I was happily enjoying the day at H&K – the wedding of my dear frens Hsu & Kelvin :)

It was a simple and sweet holy matrimony at the church :) Though the pastor was kinda dull (very few funny jokes!), some of the things he said struck me. Like how he shared that sometimes submission is a bad word as we think of it as a servant submitting to a master. But real submission means trusting in the judgment and decisions of the hubby. And how in a marriage, there is little room for self-centredness, but instead other-centredness is required. And other-centredness doesn’t mean thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less :) Wise words indeed!

It was also a nice catch-up time with ex-colleagues, especially Elon & Wai Leng. Think we caused quite a riot on the bus with our incessant chattering and laughing! :)

The wedding dinner was held at Burkill Hall, Botanic Gardens! I totally adore Botanic Gardens (read my previous post on it here) so it was quite a treat :)

Jas was already there, though really oddly dressed for a wedding! Hahah!

The lovely Burkill Hall, a 2-storey colonial bungalow.

2nd floor

Overlooks the beautiful greens :)

We were early, so we had ample time to chill!

Pics with the lovely bride :)

Took a walk around and checked out the VIP Orchid Garden, pretty orchids all named after famous dignitaries whose presence graced the Gardens :)

Some selected pics below :)

Also checked out the lovely dessert buffet before it got devoured up! They taste as good as they look!!! From “Let Them Eat Cake”!

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Had to take individual shots of everything!

Really LOVE all the classy collaterals, from the invite, the programme booklet, down to the table place card (which doubles up as a fan)!

The eye-catching orange theme!

Joke of the night – how alike Kelvin & Nic looks! They had to take a pic together!

So so happy for the couple! They were basking in bliss! :) To many many blessed years ahead, H&K!

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